Jess Nguyen

Home cook, recipe creator, food influencer & freelancer

Jessica Nguyen is a home cook, recipe creator, food influencer and freelancer living in Melbourne. Jessica’s mission is to inspire people to cook at home for themselves and for the people around them, one Instagram story at a time. Whether you’re an aspiring cook, a terrible cook who wants to get better, looking for inspiration for your weekly meals, or someone who wants to understand what goes into making a dish, her content will have something for you!

Create the ultimate veggie planter

This is how!

Before you rush off to Bunnings and pick out a paint colour, it’s important to have your furniture and surfaces ready to go. Any sturdy planter box will do for this project, such as the ones pictured above, which I purchased second hand via Facebook Market. Once you’ve got your planter, make sure all wooden surfaces are cleaned and sanded of old paint and imperfections before applying your fresh paint ...

First up, give it a good clean with water and sugar soap. Once your piece is fully dry, you may also need to sand it depending on its quality.
Sanding will help you to achieve a flawless finish and reduce the risk of any streaks on your finished piece.
Most importantly – Have fun!! Crank on your favourite playlist and enjoy the sun on your back as you get down to work. Make sure to hydrate when working outside and always practice sun safety. :)

Picking colours
For these planter boxes, I chose British Paints Ace of Spades to match with my gutter and fence. If you are not sure what colour would work best, British Paints brand new Virtual Colour Assistant makes it simple to access free, professional colour advice from the comfort of your own home. The tool makes it that much easier when it comes to selecting a colour that will stand the test of time. Always stir well and double check the colour before you start painting. Now, we are ready to roll!

Get your hands dirty – Painting Time!!!
Here comes the fun part: painting! DIY can always end up being on the messier side, so it’s a good idea to prep your area before painting. To make sure there were minimum spills, I use a cloth beneath the planters and wear an apron to protect my clothes. Once the area is all set up, pour your 4 Seasons paint in a tray and get to work. I used a paint roller to save time on larger surfaces and for an even application. You can always go over the finer details and gaps with a paint brush afterwards.

It’s coming together beautifully!
See how you go! I recommend adding a second layer of paint once the first layer has dried. It will help to cover everything evenly and makes it more durable. You will get the most of your DIY project and will give it a more vibrant finish. It only takes an afternoon to jazz up a planter box, making it the perfect summer afternoon activity.

Time to enjoy!
Once your paint is totally dry, you can fill up your planter with soil and plants of your choice. British Paints 4 Seasons is perfect for all outdoor painting projects with a 25-year guarantee against peeling, flaking and blistering and it looks great!!! And look at these herbs – they add green to the backyard and will spruce up your dishes!

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*British Paints 4 Seasons is guaranteed for 25 years against peeling, flaking & blistering. Refer to product label for full details.